Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A short story about a short taxi ride

This afternoon I hopped in a cab to go home for lunch. I've repeated my home address so many times that I can almost say it without an accent. But today I didn't fool the driver and a few minutes into the ride he asked me where I was from. I told him I lived in the United States. He then switched into English, telling me that he had worked as a cab driver for over 14 years in New York City. During that time, he practiced his English with not only New Yorkers, but people from all over the world. It was interesting, he said, because it gave him the chance to learn many different forms of English. "I practiced my English with people from China, Japan, Africa, and the Middle East" he explained, looking back at me in his rearview mirror. "And you know who was the most difficult to understand?"

"Who?" I wondered out loud.

"Texans", he said.


  1. Hahah I thought he might have said, "Cowboys" given your overt Montana accent. Driving for 14 years in NYC? He must be a really interesting guy! Also Fundacion Romelio sounds like an incredible organization, not least of all due to the cute factor (tiny childrens speaking Spanish!). Hope everything is going great!

  2. Your Grandmother would certainly agree with the cab driver. She held many after dinner sessions with Mike and I trying to rid of the Texas twang we both picked up during our short stint in Dallas.
